Friday, September 28, 2012

Laugh it Up!

I just read this on Facebook and laughed out loud:

Top 4 Lies:

1. "I'm Fine"

2. "I don't have a crush on anyone"

3."That was my last piece of gum"

4."I've read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions"

...Bwah ha ha, (I thought that was hilarious!)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nikki's Kitchen Demo

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I started on Friday taking down the kitchen wall that framed Austin's room. Ryan came home and took the studs down for me. I didn't think Brent would want to have anything to do with it...

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But Saturday he felt inspired to take down the rest of it. He spent all day working on it. I was impressed!
This next week we will paint over the golf course scene and figure out the ceiling repairs and tiling.