Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Keala's Birthday Photos!

These are mostly to show Dad and Bre... since the rest of you were already there. Keala had so much fun and I was so pleased with how much fun I had too! I enjoyed all of you coming and thank you for the wonderful gifts! It was nice to get us all together again after so many months! We should do this more often! When's Easter! (Lol)

Thanks Nikki!

You really went all out for Keala's party. We had so much fun! Caramel popcorn, cake, barbecue chicken, rice krispie treats, princess decorations, and chocolate candies! Man! That was something. I'm glad I got to see your house and spend time with you and your family. It really feels like you've got something special and a lot of people to love and that love you, too! Thanks again!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My phone is back

I'm going to skip all the possible resurrection jokes and just say that my phone is back. So you can all call me again. Though I really do love emails. Oh, also, I had a stomach flu this week. My phone wasn't the only dead thing around the house. I'm better now. Almost.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

For Erika

Ask and ye shall receive:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dolphins... Blowing Bubbles...

Found a really cool video of... um, Dolphins. Blowing Bubbles.

Ok, so it sounds silly but it's worth 3 minutes of your time.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My phone is dead. Not just out of batteries, but dead dead. We still have Michael's phone if anyone needs to get ahold of us in an emergency, but it costs money for each minute so we have to keep calls short. It might be several days before I can get a new phone.

Come Join in the Fun!

Just a reminder that we will be having dinner at my house this Sunday, March 29th at 4:30 pm in celebration of Keala's Birthday. I am making BBQed teriyaki chicken, white rice, and cupcakes for dessert. (Yes, they are gluten free - don't kid yourself!) I have invited some of you to bring food, but if you forget, no worries. We have plenty of 'food storage' we can pull from to make a meal for you! Just kidding. I look forward to seeing all of you (this includes YOU Adam!) See you all then! And thanks! Directions will be emailed immediately upon reading this blogspot!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Keala's Birthday

Hello Everyone! Keala is having her 4th birthday coming up on Sunday March 29th. I have decided not to throw a 'streamers and balloon' party with friends. I would like to keep things simple since Brent is in between jobs right now. So I thought I would just invite all of you over for a casual family dinner around 4:30 on that Sunday. We might do hamburgars or just chicken (and maybe steaks). You don't have to bring a gift, but if you do, lets keep it under $5, like playdough, crayons, paint, or coloring books. We will be having cake (yes, gluten free!) And you can stay for as long as you like. But by 8 o-clock I will have to start throwing you out! ha! Brents parents will be there and who knows how long the teenagers will stick around. But please let me know ahead of time if you are coming (maybe we can do pot luck, like someone bringing salad, drinks, chips n dip, etc.) Justin usually takes the kids on Saturdays, so that's a big reason why I am not planning anything that day. He usually has them anyways, and if his family wants to do something, then thats up to them. He already knows this too. Anyways, I would love to visit with you all since its been a while. Let me know what you can do that day. Thanks!

Friday, March 13, 2009

McDonald's "Damn" Happy Meals!

What do I hate more than 'marketing propaganda' blazing a trail through every television screen in the house! Is... SUCCESSFUL 'marketing propaganda'! Like its not hard enough to live in a world where we have so many choices and 'wants' (let alone 'needs'!) But my son (thanks to 'Cartoon-(freaking)-Network') knows every week what kind of toy is going to be in the McDonald's 'Happy Meal'! I am starting to wonder if I am the only mother cursing the ironically-named 'Happy Meal'. I think I hear on a daily basis a beg and plea to go to McDonald's. Somedays his argument is that he's SOOO hungry and we have nothing to eat (and I am even NOT a good cook!) and that he HAS to have a Happy Meal! But lately he is explaining that I don't even have to buy the meal, just buy the toy. Well.... I have won these arguments all week long, and now that its friday I finally succumbed and took him to get his coveted Happy Meal. First thing he does, pushes the food aside, pulls out the prized toy and shreaks with joy. (Most weeks he throws it at me and makes me give it back to them... cuz he already has 'that one' and needs a new one.) Some days I have actually gone back in and exchanged it for a new one. (The things we do for our kids!) But lately I've told him to throw it on the floor of the car because I am NOT going back in! For Pete's Sake! It was just a rocks-throw-in-a-pond-miracle that he got the one he wanted today!

If I could get a free appliance every week for how much money I spend on groceries... or even a FREE pack of gum....now THEN we'de be talking!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The Dr. let me have a copy of this. See the little triangle bone on the right side near the bottom of the picture that is just hanging out, free-floating...well, it is supposed to be attached to the bone above it!!! But, she had a Dr. appointment today and the bone is healing well--it's attached again and she's walking on it fine. (No more trampoline for a while, though.)

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey guys,

Not sure how many of you are on the Facebook, but I found a funny comic that depicts Facebook too well.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Will's Violin Recital

Will's first violin recital is this Saturday at 4. It's just a short little song, so I didn't think of inviting anyone, but I thought I could mention that it's coming up! He's pretty cute when he plays! =) If anyone does want to come, you can just give me a call. Thanks!

PS Isn't sunshine wonderful??? Too bad we have to go back to the thirties for a few days. =(


I think my infection is gone - it should be, there are no bacteria left in my body. I'm feeling a lot better, and the pain is almost gone now. Wahoo! Dad says I should make it a goal to have no more major illnesses in 2009. It sounds worth a try...