Sunday, February 28, 2010

February is History

Yes, another month is gone from 2010; and where am I. If I were walking to Salt Lake City this year, I'd be in the dessert somewhere between Barstow and Baker about 119 miles from home. I'm still trying to walk 2 miles each day. Sometimes I miss a day and then I go a little farther the next few days to make up. I understand Adam is logging some miles on foot, but I'm not sure where he's going, maybe Vegas. And we know about Lauren too; but I'm not sure if she has a desination in mind. St. George?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Explosion two blocks from my house

Tonight I was standing in the kitchen opening a bottle of salad dressing when all of the sudden there was an immense boom, and a fraction of a second later a wave rippled through the floor under my feet like a short earthquake. My first thought was that a bomb exploded, but Pleasant Grove isn't much of a strategic target, is it? I was stunned though and Michael ran in with the baby to see if I was okay. We weren't sure if something had exploded in our house or in the neighborhood. I threw on a jacket and went outside, and all of my neighbors up and down the street were also outside and muttering things like, "...scared the shit out of me."

I just went to a second ago and apparently a house exploded just two blocks from me. People in closer houses had things fall off of the walls and I guess the people nearest to the blast had their windows shatter. It was powerful!

Here's the ksl news video:

Video Courtesy of

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Good News - Really

There's all kinds of good news - but let me tell you what's really good news. When you get good news from the IRS - that's really good news. A letter came today from the auditor stating that she is "proposing", to her Area Director, NO CHANGE to our income tax return for the audited year. So, Brad and I are wearing really big smiles today.

Reasons to Smile

"Every 7 minutes of every day, someone in aerobics class pulls a hamstring!"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Views of a 4 Year Old

Every once in a while I let the kids walk around with the digital camera and take as many photos as they want. (And then I delete them!) But I thought it was cute seeing the world through Keala's eyes after she took (ALOT) of pictures!

Nice legs. Kids think of the weirdest things. But I like their angles on life, because sometimes they see alot of things we overlook. Keala especially has eagles eyes!

This was a television show that we watched off Netflix, since we can stream instant movies through Austin's X-box. Have I mentioned how much I love Netflix! Go Netflix!

Yes, I need to change the Beta's water. (I'm hating fish! I have to feed them every day - Geez!)

And thank goodness she notices theres a mom in the house, thats reassuring! (Cuz sometimes shes the boss!) The neighbors came over today to ask if she could play and she yelled at them to go home! I gave her a big lecture and made her go over to their house and apologize. Rude!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just Stretching Out

I was working at the computer and turned around to see Maggie sleeping like this.

Grabbing my camera woke her up, but she just stayed like this, looking around.

I guess she was comfortable. Don't see her do this much, kinda funny.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Breanne - Explain Please!

I don't get it. What are we reading here?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More news coverage

I liked Fox's coverage better:


Friday, February 5, 2010

Video Courtesy of


A few days ago a cop called Doug and told him that all around the Junior High where Doug works one day a week are signs that say 'BFB.' This stands for "Bucks for Barney." The kids have noticed over the last two months that Doug wasn't at the school on his normal day, and they hadn't seen him for a while and started to ask where he was. Then they found out that he's been fighting cancer and had to be off for a while. The whole student body (including some kids that he's had to discipline) decided they wanted to raise money to help Doug get through his time off of work. They held an assembly today (he attended and he said most of the kids in the school were wearing blue shirts with big letters 'BFB' on them) and they had a fundraiser where kids paid money to be able to throw dodge balls at some of the administration, teachers, and other school cops. They raised $1200. At least three news stations were in attendance and interviewed Doug. We don't have any sort of recording device on our TV, so if any of you do--would you please scan channels 4, 5, and 13 today and try to record some of the clips for us? Have you ever heard of anything so amazing?? We just don't know what to make of so much love and generosity!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Temple Sealing

Our temple sealing is going to have to be pushed back a couple of weeks. So, so, so sorry for any inconvenience. I'll get out more info when we have a new date set.