Thursday, February 25, 2010

Explosion two blocks from my house

Tonight I was standing in the kitchen opening a bottle of salad dressing when all of the sudden there was an immense boom, and a fraction of a second later a wave rippled through the floor under my feet like a short earthquake. My first thought was that a bomb exploded, but Pleasant Grove isn't much of a strategic target, is it? I was stunned though and Michael ran in with the baby to see if I was okay. We weren't sure if something had exploded in our house or in the neighborhood. I threw on a jacket and went outside, and all of my neighbors up and down the street were also outside and muttering things like, "...scared the shit out of me."

I just went to a second ago and apparently a house exploded just two blocks from me. People in closer houses had things fall off of the walls and I guess the people nearest to the blast had their windows shatter. It was powerful!

Here's the ksl news video:

Video Courtesy of


Barney Family said...

WOW!!! I'm so glad you guys weren't closer! Glad you are o.k. That's crazy!!!!!!

Ross and Kathy said...

Well, now you know what that "bump in the night" is.

Hugs from mom said...

That is so scary! Sorry I'm a few days late here but I just got back in touch with the world. Right before our trip i smelled gas in the house. Questar came out and checked everything but said it all looked good. I told Ryan I felt kind of silly for bugging them but he said it was better than having the house explode. I guess that person should have bothered Questar.