I woke up to find this on the Google home page. So, I was game... (get it?!) I played for about 3 minutes till I got bored. But it was a GREAT 3 minutes and I scored 600 points! How many points can you get! I double dog dare ya! Click on it with your mouse, or use your arrow keys. Good luck! And may the force be with you!
2650 baby!
Ok, 7170, but I swear I'm done.
Breanne, I knew I could count of you to play! Adam, where are you?!
I kinda got sick of it after a few minutes, but I think my score was 17,770.
That is so TYPICAL.
Adam, do not see Tron without me! We need to make that a family night in honor of Adam!
Count me in (but can Ryan come too?)
Yay me!! Family nite for Adam!!
that sounds awesome, i need to get a sitter so kimball can come!
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