Saturday, November 20, 2010

Opening in Honolulu

 Don and I had a great time in Honolulu, and the exhibit opening at The First Hawaiian Center was beautiful and lots of fun. Quite a few friends from Maui came plus 5 Vancouverites...Don called them the VonCougars. It felt really good to have all of that support in the midst of strangers and I remembered how good it felt when almost all of the Gilroy family was able to come to Maui for my show in 2008.

Don's daughter Jill was there with white lei and red bag

That's Aunt Lynne in a huddle with the VonCougars

A woman walking by asked us if we were on our honeymoon


Barney Family said...

Those are great pictures!!! Thanks! We're there in spirit!

Ross and Kathy said...

You guys always look like you're on your honeymoon.

Breanne said...

Wish we were there!

Nikki Jenson said...

What a fun time in your life! Congratulations!