Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Let Me Get This Straight"

Every single time I take the kids on an errand with me (or to the doctor's), they always think they are deserving of a snack or treat or whatever! So yesterday I took Kai to a doctor and he keeps saying "Mom, if I'm good can I get a treat?" So to passify him I nod agreeingly, not really considering the ramifications of the negotiation I have just entered into!  So after the doctor's visit we are in the car and Kai says, "Mom, I was good, right? I know what toy I want".  Then I realized I was in deep when he said the word "toy".  (I need to inform you my kids ask for new toys on a daily basis.  Any time they think they can coerce me into a toy negotiation its a battle in the making!)  So I said "Kai, is it a tiny toy or a big expensive one?"  He said "Well, it might be pretty expensive". So he tells me what it is and I say "Kai, thats too expensive, but maybe I can get it for you for Easter (and then realizing my error, I correct myself)... maybe I can talk to the Easter bunny and see if he'll bring it for you on Easter".  Kai thinks for a second and then I hear his cute little voice say, "Mom, now wait a second, let me see if I can get this straight... " (And I'm thinking he's catching me in my flaw...)  "You can talk to Santa Clause AND the Easter bunny!" I am still laughing about it a day later.
It was so stinkin' cute!

1 comment:

Ross and Kathy said...

That's a darn cute photo. Pretty tough staying ahead of these kids. Just wait until the get really smart - you're toast.