Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Yes, Woe is me, no body loves me, guess I'll just eat dirt. What happened to all the fun Posts, the news of the day, the exciting experiences of all the Gilroy grandkids and their parents. No more photos of Holidays - what's a grandpa to do?
Friday, September 28, 2012
Laugh it Up!
I just read this on Facebook and laughed out loud:
Top 4 Lies:
1. "I'm Fine"
2. "I don't have a crush on anyone"
3."That was my last piece of gum"
4."I've read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions"
...Bwah ha ha, (I thought that was hilarious!)
Top 4 Lies:
1. "I'm Fine"
2. "I don't have a crush on anyone"
3."That was my last piece of gum"
4."I've read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions"
...Bwah ha ha, (I thought that was hilarious!)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Nikki's Kitchen Demo

I started on Friday taking down the kitchen wall that framed Austin's room. Ryan came home and took the studs down for me. I didn't think Brent would want to have anything to do with it...

But Saturday he felt inspired to take down the rest of it. He spent all day working on it. I was impressed!
This next week we will paint over the golf course scene and figure out the ceiling repairs and tiling.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Happy No. 1
Hanging out on the lanai |
Relaxing |
Shuffle board addiction |
The chickens - candid shot out our bedroom window |
Saturday, June 23, 2012
In an effort to keep up with Lauren...
Merri broke her collar-bone, separated her shoulder, and was covered in road rash and bruises while learning how to ride a dirt bike last night.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
My first marathon
Howdy all, I thought I'd make my first blog post. As some of you know, I ran my first marathon this Saturday in Provo. I finally got all the pictures back so I thought it might make a nice post.
I got up around 2:30 am the morning of the race, so as to catch the first bus to the starting area, which left at about 3:30 am. The bus arrived at the starting area at about 4am, so I got to twiddle my thumbs for a while until the race start at 6am. Luckily the organizers had a bunch of campfires set up so we got to sit around and chat while staying warm. They also offered a gear drop service so we could wear warm clothes during the wait, then they transported all our gear to the finish area for us.
The start area was up by Wallsburg, which is a few miles southeast of the Deer Creek Reservoir (course map here). The race started promptly at 6am, and I got off to a really good start since it was mostly downhill, with a strong wind at our backs. I think I maintained a 9:30 min/mile pace for the first 5 miles, which is ridiculously fast for me.
That changed at about mile 7, once we hit the reservoir. There the course leveled out a bit, and the strong wind ended up in our faces. Oh well, good things can't last forever.
Here I am at about mile 10. You can catch a glimpse of the reservoir behind me. You can see it's a beautiful day, and I'm still kicking my feet up by a fair amount.
I was really worried about making the 6 hour cutoff time. The race info said we'd have to maintain a 13:30 pace in order to finish in time. My training runs had all been in the neighborhood of 15 min/miles, so I knew I had to keep up the pace in order to make it. Rather than try to maintain a steady pace the whole time though, I decided to go all out for the first half, so as to buy myself some breathing room on the second half. I know, I know, that's not what you're supposed to do, but I figured I was gonna be really tired for the second half no matter what I did, so why not take the pressure off?
I made the halfway point at 2 hours, 24 minutes, which was an 11 min/mile pace! I figured I was sitting pretty. I had 3.5 hours to finish up.
At about mile 15 I ran into our Art Director, Seth Taylor. He had been in the neighborhood, saw the marathon, remembered I had mentioned I was going to run it, and decided to take the opportunity to snap some pics. I had to quickly put away the energy bar I was munching on and try to make it appear like I was really running. He kept sprinting ahead of me to take a picture from in front. They kept coming out fuzzy, so he'd have to do it again. Seeing him sprint at this point in the race was kinda making me want to hurl, so I sorta waved him off. Sorry Seth.
I think miles 16 - 20 were kinda rough for me. I had only gone up to 20 miles training for the event, so wasn't sure what to expect once I got past mile 20. Plus the realization that I was really tired, and still had 10 miles to go!
Here I am around mile 16. It looks suspiciously like I'm walking up that big hill, but I'm sure that's just an effect of the camera...
Miles 20 - 24 were pretty smooth, even if I wasn't going very fast. I think I hit some sort of bizarre second wind. Miles 24 - 26 were probably the hardest, but that was offset by the fact that I was so close to the finish, which was very exciting! I was also texting Lauren, who wanted to be there for the finish, but was stuck in traffic. She was sending me supportive texts and it made for an exciting race against time to see who would make it to the finish line first.
The finish line was on Provo Center St. At about 100 North I looked up and saw a big clock over the finish line. My brain slowly registered that the clock said 5:59:01. I had less than a minute to cross the finish line! Yikes! My legs had nothing left in them, so I started swinging my arms like a madman in an effort to leverage my upper body strength into some kind of sprint. Somehow it worked! As I crossed the finish line the big clock said 5:59:42.
Mom was waiting for me at the finish line, which was a nice surprise. I'm not sure I had even told her about the race.
Lauren ended up getting to the finish area only 8 minutes after I finished! She was really excited about my finishing, and her energy was very infectious.
So the final results came in and I finished in 5:55:12, which was as good as I had hoped for. That means my pace for the second half was about 16 min/mile, and my overall pace was about 13:30. A few speed walkers passed me on the second half, lol, but I was very pleased with my finish.
I got up around 2:30 am the morning of the race, so as to catch the first bus to the starting area, which left at about 3:30 am. The bus arrived at the starting area at about 4am, so I got to twiddle my thumbs for a while until the race start at 6am. Luckily the organizers had a bunch of campfires set up so we got to sit around and chat while staying warm. They also offered a gear drop service so we could wear warm clothes during the wait, then they transported all our gear to the finish area for us.
The start area was up by Wallsburg, which is a few miles southeast of the Deer Creek Reservoir (course map here). The race started promptly at 6am, and I got off to a really good start since it was mostly downhill, with a strong wind at our backs. I think I maintained a 9:30 min/mile pace for the first 5 miles, which is ridiculously fast for me.
That changed at about mile 7, once we hit the reservoir. There the course leveled out a bit, and the strong wind ended up in our faces. Oh well, good things can't last forever.
Here I am at about mile 10. You can catch a glimpse of the reservoir behind me. You can see it's a beautiful day, and I'm still kicking my feet up by a fair amount.
I was really worried about making the 6 hour cutoff time. The race info said we'd have to maintain a 13:30 pace in order to finish in time. My training runs had all been in the neighborhood of 15 min/miles, so I knew I had to keep up the pace in order to make it. Rather than try to maintain a steady pace the whole time though, I decided to go all out for the first half, so as to buy myself some breathing room on the second half. I know, I know, that's not what you're supposed to do, but I figured I was gonna be really tired for the second half no matter what I did, so why not take the pressure off?
I made the halfway point at 2 hours, 24 minutes, which was an 11 min/mile pace! I figured I was sitting pretty. I had 3.5 hours to finish up.
At about mile 15 I ran into our Art Director, Seth Taylor. He had been in the neighborhood, saw the marathon, remembered I had mentioned I was going to run it, and decided to take the opportunity to snap some pics. I had to quickly put away the energy bar I was munching on and try to make it appear like I was really running. He kept sprinting ahead of me to take a picture from in front. They kept coming out fuzzy, so he'd have to do it again. Seeing him sprint at this point in the race was kinda making me want to hurl, so I sorta waved him off. Sorry Seth.
I think miles 16 - 20 were kinda rough for me. I had only gone up to 20 miles training for the event, so wasn't sure what to expect once I got past mile 20. Plus the realization that I was really tired, and still had 10 miles to go!
Here I am around mile 16. It looks suspiciously like I'm walking up that big hill, but I'm sure that's just an effect of the camera...
Miles 20 - 24 were pretty smooth, even if I wasn't going very fast. I think I hit some sort of bizarre second wind. Miles 24 - 26 were probably the hardest, but that was offset by the fact that I was so close to the finish, which was very exciting! I was also texting Lauren, who wanted to be there for the finish, but was stuck in traffic. She was sending me supportive texts and it made for an exciting race against time to see who would make it to the finish line first.
The finish line was on Provo Center St. At about 100 North I looked up and saw a big clock over the finish line. My brain slowly registered that the clock said 5:59:01. I had less than a minute to cross the finish line! Yikes! My legs had nothing left in them, so I started swinging my arms like a madman in an effort to leverage my upper body strength into some kind of sprint. Somehow it worked! As I crossed the finish line the big clock said 5:59:42.
Here's me in the finish chute.
Here's my glamour shot. For some reason I look more like a drunk tourist at Oktoberfest rather than a marathon finisher.
Lauren ended up getting to the finish area only 8 minutes after I finished! She was really excited about my finishing, and her energy was very infectious.
So the final results came in and I finished in 5:55:12, which was as good as I had hoped for. That means my pace for the second half was about 16 min/mile, and my overall pace was about 13:30. A few speed walkers passed me on the second half, lol, but I was very pleased with my finish.
Friday, May 11, 2012
I'm watching a new TV show about statistics in America. This show was about what's most likely to kill us. The conclusion was "Heart Disease". I'm thinking, "Wahoo, I'm doing just what I should to prevent Heart Disease". Eating good food, swimming, and walking, walking, walking. Over 330 miles so far this year. And Kudos to all the other Gilroys out there hitting the pavement, running, jogging, biking, or whatever; but putting in the miles to prevent Heart Disease. GOOD JOB EVERYONE! By the way, the second thing most likely to kill us... pedestrian fatalities.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Things you don't see everyday
There were many unique things to be seen in New Zealand. Milford Sound is an example - but it's not really a sound, it's a fjord. See if you can find out what the difference is??? Anyway, it's really big. See if you can find the boats in these photos - they're not small boat.
In this next one there is a sail boat
One day, as we were on the bus sightseeing, our bus was forced to move off the roadway. At this point the road goes several miles in both directions along side a lake - with no place to put a house.
Before mankind came to New Zealand - and that was only about 1200 years ago - there were few predatory animals. So some species, like this flightless bird, were quite safe. But now there are none of these left.
In Wellington there was some cool architecture both old and new, but I thought this was funny.
In this next one there is a sail boat
One day, as we were on the bus sightseeing, our bus was forced to move off the roadway. At this point the road goes several miles in both directions along side a lake - with no place to put a house.
Before mankind came to New Zealand - and that was only about 1200 years ago - there were few predatory animals. So some species, like this flightless bird, were quite safe. But now there are none of these left.
In Wellington there was some cool architecture both old and new, but I thought this was funny.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
More New Zealand Adventures
One resort we stayed in was in the middle of a rain forest. The ferns there grow to 20 feet tall - hence they're called Tree Ferns.
When we arrived at Mt Cook it was under clouds; but the next morning it was right where it should be.
New Zealand is known for it's Kiwi; both the bird and the fruit.
When we arrived at Mt Cook it was under clouds; but the next morning it was right where it should be.
New Zealand is known for it's Kiwi; both the bird and the fruit.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I got tired of looking at Nikki's sores. So I decided to put a few pics of our New Zealand trip up.
Early in the trip we toured the area around Auckland and stopped at this park.
This is a rose garden in the botanical gardens in Wellington. We liked Wellington best.
This was also at the gardens - various flowers.
Early in the trip we toured the area around Auckland and stopped at this park.
This is a rose garden in the botanical gardens in Wellington. We liked Wellington best.
This was also at the gardens - various flowers.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Just goes to show ya...
Its only been 18 months since my last visit to the Dermatologist. I look worse this time! They even blistered last night, yikes!
He used liquid nitrogen to burn the 'questionable' areas on my face, arms, and hands. My face burned so bad I shot the air conditioning straight at it for the whole drive home. At home I sat with an ice pack on for 3 hours....(joined by a couple of Tylenol!)
As Dad and I would attest... USE SUNSCREEN!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Guess Who Came to visit Kathy & Grandpa?
Friday, February 24, 2012
We're home. I caught a cold on the very last day and let me tell you that 13 hour flight home was ~@x%^*! So now I'm going to bed - don't nobody call for a few days.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
How to put appts on the family calendar
So everyone sees the calendar to the right of this post? And in the bottom-right corner of the calendar there is a button that says "+ Google Calendar"
1. Click on the button.
2. It might have you log in to your google account. I'm pretty sure you all have one by now.
3. You might get a message that says "Do you want to add this calendar?" Say yes. You're adding the "Gilroy Family Calendar" to your Google calendar.
4. In the upper-right corner there are buttons for "day" "week" "month" I like to choose month because it makes more sense to my brain.
5. Click on a day that you are busy. A little window pops up where you can put in appointment details.
6. You can write "Jacque is busy this day" or whatever in the What field.
7. Make sure that where it says "Calendar:" you have "Gilroy Fam" selected. If you don't then the rest of us won't be able to see what you put there.
8. Hit "Create Event"
9. Bask in the glow of your awesomeness.
1. Click on the button.
2. It might have you log in to your google account. I'm pretty sure you all have one by now.
3. You might get a message that says "Do you want to add this calendar?" Say yes. You're adding the "Gilroy Family Calendar" to your Google calendar.
4. In the upper-right corner there are buttons for "day" "week" "month" I like to choose month because it makes more sense to my brain.
5. Click on a day that you are busy. A little window pops up where you can put in appointment details.
6. You can write "Jacque is busy this day" or whatever in the What field.
7. Make sure that where it says "Calendar:" you have "Gilroy Fam" selected. If you don't then the rest of us won't be able to see what you put there.
8. Hit "Create Event"
9. Bask in the glow of your awesomeness.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I had my first ultrasound today. There's definitely a baby in there! It looked like a boy to me. Definitely.
Just one baby. No twins for me. =(
Just one baby. No twins for me. =(
Friday, February 10, 2012
Glory Hallelujah
My schedule finally changed this week and now I have a night with Michael each week - Thursday night - AND every other Friday! We can already feel some of the nasty pressure from the last few months easing. Now if I could just get rid of this nausea, too....
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