Friday, February 5, 2010


A few days ago a cop called Doug and told him that all around the Junior High where Doug works one day a week are signs that say 'BFB.' This stands for "Bucks for Barney." The kids have noticed over the last two months that Doug wasn't at the school on his normal day, and they hadn't seen him for a while and started to ask where he was. Then they found out that he's been fighting cancer and had to be off for a while. The whole student body (including some kids that he's had to discipline) decided they wanted to raise money to help Doug get through his time off of work. They held an assembly today (he attended and he said most of the kids in the school were wearing blue shirts with big letters 'BFB' on them) and they had a fundraiser where kids paid money to be able to throw dodge balls at some of the administration, teachers, and other school cops. They raised $1200. At least three news stations were in attendance and interviewed Doug. We don't have any sort of recording device on our TV, so if any of you do--would you please scan channels 4, 5, and 13 today and try to record some of the clips for us? Have you ever heard of anything so amazing?? We just don't know what to make of so much love and generosity!


Jacque said...

Wow! That's incredible! So sweet!

Breanne said...

Oh my gosh that makes me want to cry.

Ross and Kathy said...

That is Great!
And I'm not at all surprised.

Hugs from mom said...

That is so amazing. I'm totally going to cry. What a huge blessing for you guys! It's touching to hear of such kindness and charity from kids Doug has even had to discipline. It just goes to show the kind of impact he has on people's lives. Because he's wonderful!

Don and Lynne said...

What an amazing story, Erika! Spontaneous generosity from kids who've all been touched by Doug.It's a beautiful tribute to him...and well deserved.