Sunday, February 21, 2010

Views of a 4 Year Old

Every once in a while I let the kids walk around with the digital camera and take as many photos as they want. (And then I delete them!) But I thought it was cute seeing the world through Keala's eyes after she took (ALOT) of pictures!

Nice legs. Kids think of the weirdest things. But I like their angles on life, because sometimes they see alot of things we overlook. Keala especially has eagles eyes!

This was a television show that we watched off Netflix, since we can stream instant movies through Austin's X-box. Have I mentioned how much I love Netflix! Go Netflix!

Yes, I need to change the Beta's water. (I'm hating fish! I have to feed them every day - Geez!)

And thank goodness she notices theres a mom in the house, thats reassuring! (Cuz sometimes shes the boss!) The neighbors came over today to ask if she could play and she yelled at them to go home! I gave her a big lecture and made her go over to their house and apologize. Rude!

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