What do I hate more than 'marketing propaganda' blazing a trail through every television screen in the house! Is... SUCCESSFUL 'marketing propaganda'! Like its not hard enough to live in a world where we have so many choices and 'wants' (let alone 'needs'!) But my son (thanks to 'Cartoon-(freaking)-Network') knows every week what kind of toy is going to be in the McDonald's 'Happy Meal'! I am starting to wonder if I am the only mother cursing the ironically-named 'Happy Meal'. I think I hear on a daily basis a beg and plea to go to McDonald's. Somedays his argument is that he's SOOO hungry and we have nothing to eat (and I am even NOT a good cook!) and that he HAS to have a Happy Meal! But lately he is explaining that I don't even have to buy the meal, just buy the toy. Well.... I have won these arguments all week long, and now that its friday I finally succumbed and took him to get his coveted Happy Meal. First thing he does, pushes the food aside, pulls out the prized toy and shreaks with joy. (Most weeks he throws it at me and makes me give it back to them... cuz he already has 'that one' and needs a new one.) Some days I have actually gone back in and exchanged it for a new one. (The things we do for our kids!) But lately I've told him to throw it on the floor of the car because I am NOT going back in! For Pete's Sake! It was just a rocks-throw-in-a-pond-miracle that he got the one he wanted today!
If I could get a free appliance every week for how much money I spend on groceries... or even a FREE pack of gum....now THEN we'de be talking!
I've heard people ask for a specific toy when they're ordering their meal at the menu. The employees are used to this and usually happy to accommodate you. You'd save yourself a lot of toys thrown at your head.
While reading this Matti said to me, "you know what song is stuck in my head--it's a tune set to opera music that they've been playing on a cocopuffs commercial." Then she sang it to me. I thought it was a perfect demonstration of what you were talking about!
lol that's so true.
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