I thought I'd be proactive and help with the organizing this year. So I tried to put some things together, I hope nobody minds.
Check-in at our cabin is at 4:00pm on Monday (the 26th) and we check out at 11:00am on Saturday the 31st. We also have three birthdays up there! Kimball - 26th, Austin - 27th, and Erika - 29th.
Sleeping Arrangements:
This is what Lauren's initial suggestions were:
Main floor: King (Dad), Queen and bunk (Nikki), Queen and bunk (Erika)
Upper level: King and single (Breanne)
Basement: 2 bunks (Adam), Queen and bunk (Lauren), 2 Queens (Lynne), Queen, bunk, 2 couch sleepers (Jacque)
Would anyone rather have something else?
Eating Arrangements:
Last year each of us girls took a day to give breakfast and lunch to the non-Utahns (plus Adam). I think it was weird trying to separate our assigments into specific days... I noticed that people seemed to wake up/eat at different times and people just sort of ate what was there. So this year maybe we could all contribute to a communal breakfast and lunch stockpile for Dad, Kathy, Lynne, Don, and Adam? And then whenever they get hungry they can just head over and eat what they want. Does that sound like a good idea?
Last year we didn't assign someone to make a dinner our first night there because we were all arriving at different times. I think this year we should assign that first night, since we have two fewer days this year to spend together (that means we'd need to make 5 dinners up there, Monday through Friday). I think I'd like to take Tuesday night for dinner, but I'm willing to negotiate. Does anyone else have a preference as to what night they'd like to do it? I'm thinking of making chicken and rice again this year (with a cranberry sauce this time), but I did chicken and rice last year... am I hogging the easiest thing to make? We have 27 people to feed (not including two infants).
This is the part that I'm not sure about. I'm assuming we'll hit Yellowstone, but I'm not sure what else people want to do. Have you guys already been thinking of activities? Since Doug won't be able to go very far, and since Erika and Doug won't be there until Tuesday night, should we try to do something more rigorous on Tuesday when they won't be there?
Here is a link to the cabin we are staying in:
http://www.islandparkidaho.com/OutlandPhotos/OutlandPines.htmlHere is a link to Island Park activities from the cabin's website:
http://www.islandparkidaho.com/Island_Park_Idaho.htmlMaps of Island Park (Lynne has contacted them for a map on how to get to our cabin, we are still waiting on that):
http://www.islandparkidaho.com/maps.htmlQuestions for everyone:
Is anyone planning on coming late or leaving early? I know that Erika is thinking she won't be able to come up until Tuesday night after 7:00pm.
Is the communal breakfast/lunch idea okay?
What night would you like to make dinner (girls)?
Dad, Kathy, Lynne, Don, and Adam: what do you like for breakfast/lunch? Cereal, fruit, sandwiches, soups? Anything else?
Any concerns with the room arrangments?
Activity ideas?
I am insecure about posting all this for some reason, so again I hope nobody minds.
- Bre