Our Peony plant was so beautiful outside, but so overcrowded that I cut a few limbs and brought them in the house. When Keala woke up that morning I told her I cut them just for her, and instead of smiling she scowled at me and said "Mom, those are the ones the bees needs!" She tried to be mad (because thats her favorite emotion sometimes), but then she said "Just kidding!... I like them!" (I sware I live in the house of insanity!) But I have been so pleased with how beautiful these have been this past week! I just want to give them a big hug and kiss!

Peony plants derive their name from a Greek myth. Paeon, a student under Aesculapius, god of medicine, was well aware of the medicinal qualities of peony plants. Paeon used them to heal a wound suffered by the god, Pluto. The upstaged Aesculapius wasn't please and threatened retribution, but, in one of those charming metamorphoses sprinkled liberally throughout the pages of Greek mythology, Pluto saved Paeon's life: he turned him into a peony plant.
At least you take time to smell the roses.
Gotta do it!
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