Thursday, May 19, 2011

Medical Update

Doug's had a little setback, but hopefully one that will be resolved quickly. He went in to the doctor last week because of a bladder infection. They found that they couldn't catheterize him. He had some kind of blockage. So they performed a "dilating" procedure. They claim it's the most painful thing they do there, and Doug concurs. Afterward they told him that he needed to keep the catheter in until he could meet with his doctor, which happened to be 6 days later! So he missed the last week of work and laid around the house here--mad and frustrated. (I don't blame him one bit.) This morning he finally met with his doctor and (hallelujah) the catheter was removed. But the doc says he needs to go in and remove the blockage--which is probably scar tissue--and he wants to do it soon. So Doug will have a small surgery next Tuesday. It is an outpatient procedure. He'll need to have a blasted catheter in for 2 or 3 days after to keep things from swelling shut. But the doctor thinks once that comes out he'll be good to go back to work. So, hopefully only two weeks off and hopefully he'll feel even better when it's done. The End.


Jacque said...

Wow. Poor Doug. I hope it is a smooth surgery and recovery!

Ross and Kathy said...

We'll be pulling for him.

Hugs from mom said...

That stinks. I'm so sorry.

Don and Lynne said...

Wow! It's a marathon. Sorry for all the big pain Doug. It'll be over soon champ.