I know this photo does not correspond with the post heading, I just thought there should be a picture attatched. Ha! "Thats Nikki for ya, isn't it"... I know dad would say something like that.
Anyways, heres a couple things I like most about my dad...
#1: He's a Storyteller... Dad comes from a long line of story-tellers. They really know how to set the stage, build the plot, pause for effect, and basically - tell the story. I think he's a dying breed because these days we kids just spit things out and have lost the art of story telling in conversations from the days when people sat down and spent more time staring each other in the faces than we do.
#2: Dad is Self-confident. Even though lifes thrown dad a few curve balls, he's always gotten the job done, and learned how to do it better the next time. Thats the true sign of a stalwart person in my book!
#3: Dad is a hard-worker... and he's instilled in all of us the gift of working hard. But not without taking a little time to play hard too. Dad would take us hiking, backpacking, sailing, you name it, he's done it - and somehow gotten one or more of us involved in the process.
#4: Dad gives great advice... Any place, any time, any where, dad will give a helpful word or two! It is so reassuring to know that we've got someone in our lives who helps us out so much, who cares, and believes in us. Thanks dad for all you do, and all you've done, to bless our lives and give us the best of you!
Theres probably much more to add to the list, but those will suffice!
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