Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grandpas' California Bay Laurel Platter

OK, somebody said I should post this.

My friend Armond came to me a month ago with a big round burl cut from the side of a California Bay Laurel tree trunk. He asked what I would do with it. I said, "make a platter". But it was quite irregular and I said I would use a special router setup to do the cutting instead of regular lathe cutting tools. He asked if I would do it for him. I agreed; but only if he would let me enter it into the Orange County Fair this summer. So, I spent a month working on it and then entered it into the monthly challenge at our club. There were some pretty awesome pieces in the competition this month but the California Bay Laurel Burl was judged best. Yahoo!

All of the gold is filler made from automotive paint "metal flake" (a powder) and epoxy glue. The rest is mother nature.


Breanne said...

Congrats! It looks beautiful!

Hugs from mom said...

That's awesome. Thanks for posting it Dad.

Nikki Jenson said...

Wow! You're gettin good at this 'posting thing' - you should do it more often! ;)

Jacque said...

Wow, that's really cool. I don't know how you do these things.