Before the new tile was placed we had to rip up the carpet and a small area of tile by the back door. It took Brent one whole afternoon just to take the cement off the floor from the original tile with a tool he rented from Home Depot. Cement dust showered through the whole house. It was awful! Stig (B's father-in-law) layed the tile while we were in California, but I had to finish most of my texturizing and painting on the walls first. (He did not want paint on the floor!) This picture shows I still had some glazing to finish after he got all the tile down. (With no mess too!)

Here it is finished with all the furniture in. We put in some new lighting, (as well as plumbing for the sink), and the mirror is framed because it cracked slightly...thats a story for another day!

Ladies, I'm all stocked up! Get your orders ready! We're open for business! Its so exciting to have this finally done. I feel a huge sense of relief after all the work we've put in over the last 2 months! The walls have a lot of time put in them but I love the textured result. Finding the right furniture took just about as long, but it seems to have worked out all right.

You can see the texture on the walls better here. I didn't use plaster, but a thick/texturizing paint that I scraped on with a putty tool. Then I had to repaint over all of it, and then "wax on/wax off" with the glaze. What a project! But I couldn't be more pleased! Yeah for me!

There are still some last minute details to finish. We need to add more lighting over the sink because there seems to be a shadow on that side since the chair is so close to the sink and wall. Theres always little details you have to tweek in the end. Glue dripped all over the mirror as I tried to frame it. You can kind of see a spot at the bottom right were I need to reglaze the wall.

Originally I had the dryer sitting where the dresser stands but I needed the dresser to use as a countertop, as well as for storage. Logic kicked in when I realized the dryer is on wheels and I could always roll it up to the salon chair if I needed to use it on someone, so here it sits in the back corner, ready to be used. The waiting chair was an ingenious idea and pulls it all together.

This bookshelf (thanks IKEA!) was to originally be used as my station in front of the salon chair but failed as a great idea because the styling chair is too close to the front wall. I didn't like it against the back wall at first but its grown on the me, and I think the room is more complete with it than without it. I like the red accents which happened on accident - nice coincidence!

I like this shot because you can see the tile better. The colors are still really light. We were afraid the room might get too dark, but everything works well together while still feeling comfortable. Kasey even mentioned she thought it might be weird having the salon in the middle of the basement but we've all commented that it doesn't feel out of place at all. I am so pleased! If someone had told me a year ago I'de be happily married along with my own in-home salon, I would 've thought they were nuts. What a great feeling it is to have so many dreams come true!
Wow, Nikk, that really does look professional. The textured walls look really impressive too. Good Job! In six months when I'm ready for another haircut I'm definitely coming in!
I'm really impressed. Everything came together very nicely. How exciting! Congratulations.
That is crazy to think of where you were one year ago!! Life is absolutely amazing that way. Take some time to enjoy where you are at!!
Holy crap woman! It is amazing, so much better than when I used to have to rinse my own hair in your kitchen sink! I love it, all the colors work amazingly well. I am so happy for you!
Nikki!!! It's Bethany I really hope you remember me! Cammie sent me this link and your salon looks amazing! I live in Salt Lake and would love for you to chop my hair sometime. How can I get a hold of you!? No one has ever given me quite the Nikki look that i have longed for! You are the best. Here is my blog if you would like to see what we are up to. http://www.homegrownbethandty.blogspot.com/
This is amazing! I love everything, except maybe the scary/demonic dog peering in from the hallway. That part is creepy. Everything else: fantastic! All of the colors look great together, you are quite a decorator.
That looks awesome. I can't believe how much you did! That looks like a lot of work, but it turned out beautiful. I'm ready for a haircut Now by the way. =)
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