I decided to leave my Christmas wreath up on the door because I thought it looked festive. I looked at some 'Spring wreaths' but didn't feel like forking out the mula. So here it still sits ...when one day Kasey said something was living in it!

Heres a view from inside the house, looking out the window at the top of the wreath. WHAT could it BE!

And again, another view. If the height and the twigs don't give it away, keep scrolling down!

Heres the outside view again. Look at all those twigs! It almost looks like part of the wreath, its so well hidden! I can't even see if from the front. I had to hold the camera above my head to get these shots.

Its snuggled so close to the door. These things I always find so amazing!

Awww! How cute! And my taking these pictures didn't even bother the mother bird at all! She still kept flying back and forth... bringing MORE twigs!

I don't know if you can see the feathers but the inside of the nest actually looks soft and cozy. How do they do that! These nights have been so cold lately, I wonder if these guys will really hatch!

I still can't believe it. And while I was typing this up, my husband didn't believe it either. So he had to go look for himself. And when he saw the mother bird fly away, he finally became convinced. Now, how do I get these guys to pay rent!
That's really cool!
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