Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bar Graph

Jack has a bar graph assignment for school. He needs to chart what the most popular, or favorite, colors are among our family--you guys!! Please respond with your favorite colors, and please ask any children, co-workers, or other people lurking around you right now what theirs are too. Thanks!! Oh, the assignment has limited us to the following choices: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, black, brown, and pink. You Rock!!


Breanne said...

<-- green

Hugs from mom said...

mine is yellow, dallin's is green, cameron's is red, ryan's is blue, austin's is orange, eden's is red

Ross and Kathy said...

Kathy says Green, I'm flip-flopping, but lets call it yellow

Jacque said...

kimball--purple, ella--pink, me--blue, will--blue and green