First, make sure you have everyones cell phone numbers, so you can call if you get lost. Lynne and Don are arriving first and Don's cell phone # is 808-269-3111. They will stop at the management office for keys.
OK, so we're all traveling north on I15. In Idaho Falls we need to turn onto US 20 E heading towards Rexburg. 80+ miles past I15 we need to look for the intersection with Kilgore-Yale Road. There's supposed to be a Phillips gas station at this intersection. We turn left heading west on Kilgore-Yale Road and go approximately 7.5 miles. Look for Arrowwood Drive on the left side of the road. Should be easy once you see the dog. Continue on Arrowwood Drive for about 1 mile. You should see the sign on the right for ARROWWOOD. Hereabouts we should have to make a choice to turn right or left; so we turn right (no street signs here). Outlands Pines Lodge is the second building on the right. Good Luck, and don't call me because I'm more confused than the rest of you.
***Update from Bre***
Sorry to encroach on your post, Dad, but I didn't want to do a new post and I can't add a comment. Anyway, I just spent a half hour trying to figure this out on Google Maps. So I basically used Google maps to measure 7.5 miles from the Gas station, and I think this is where the picture of the dog was taken:
That is supposedly where we turn left onto Arrowwood Drive, but Google Maps doesn't acknowledge an Arrowwood Drive yet. If you click on the controls in the upper-left corner, you can pan around.
So here's the map from the I-15 up to Island Park:
View Larger Map
And here's the map from the gas station on US 20 to Arrowwood Drive:
View Larger Map
Hopefully all that gets you within 1 mile of the cabin! (But GOOD LUCK from there)
P.S. I'm having fun with all these maps. I'm tempted to put up a picture of the gas station where we turn onto Kilgore-Yale Road. Oh, what the hell, here it is:
Doug and I are expecting to arrive around midnight on Tuesday, so don't turn your cell phones off!!!!
P.S., Doug is going to come around next Saturday (the 24th) with a trailer and collect any and all bikes that people would like to bring. So, 1st, we need you to be home. And, 2nd, we need to know if you don't want him to stop and pick up anything at your house. (Adam and Michael in particular--do you want to bring your bikes??)
There is a Key Lock box at the cabin. Lauren will call Island Park Reservations on Friday or Saturday to get the combination and then let us all know what it is. Don and I will drive directly to Outland Pines. If we have any trouble finding it we will call the office. We'll breathe a sigh of relief when we see the dog.
Good Job Bre, you just illustrated what I've been studying for the past week. Before that, Lynne spent lots of time trying to figure it out. Bottom line, we are making some assumptions. Good luck to all of us.
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