Thursday, February 26, 2009
Getting worse
I developed an infection related to my wisdom teeth, so I had to go back to the dentist yesterday and get antibiotics. On top of that I've developed a bad sore throat and lost my voice this morning. When do you think my luck will change?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Cast is Off!
After 5 weeks of struggling and wimpering and hobbling on her poor wee little tied up leg, dear little Maggie is finally a free pup. She will be 4 months old in 2 weeks, and for a puppy, thats an awful lot to go through. we took the cast off yesterday because she was chewing it to pieces and I figured why wait a day, but her xrays today showed a perfectly (somewhat) healed leg (with just a little callusing). But its muscles growth has been delayed quite a bit since shes grown 5 lbs since it was put on. so it will take a couple weeks for her leg development to be caught up to the rest of her. Lets just pray this doesn't happen again, I don't know if I could go through it all over again. Duncan is doing well with his obedience training classes and is walking with perfect ease. but still is stuck in 'alfa dog mode'. Heaven help us!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A recent lolcats had me nearly dry-heaving. Enjoy.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bye to Wisdom Teeth
My wisdom teeth are coming out tomorrow (Thursday). I'll miss them. Does losing my wisdom teeth mean I won't be as smart anymore?
So if anyone wants to bring by nice mushy things that I can spoon-feed to myself, that would be awesome. Just kidding, I'm planning on picking up some jello, applesauce, oatmeal... what else is there? Baby food?
So if anyone wants to bring by nice mushy things that I can spoon-feed to myself, that would be awesome. Just kidding, I'm planning on picking up some jello, applesauce, oatmeal... what else is there? Baby food?
The name game
Okay, I really need your help with this. I don't know how to do a voting thing, but I'm asking for your help naming this little pooch. She is sweet and tiny, but also spunky and playful and a little goofy. Her coat is black with little brown flecks on the tips and she may lighten over time. So, here are the choices: Cocoa, Mimi, Mitzi, Josie or Jo, Zoe, and Millie--oh, and Lucy.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
furry sweetheart

Kimball said he'd like a dog that would stay really small, and even though it's a lot of work, he's more open to having a little companion in our house. I knew it would be a little harder keeping her safe from the kids, but I wasn't going to argue! This is our new puppy (we're thinking of calling her Maggie, but we're still working on her name). She's itty bitty and definitely knows how to snuggle. She prefers sleeping in the crook of your neck, but an elbow or hip will suffice. Anything that keeps her warm and protected. She's playful, but not too destructive and handles the kids okay. They aren't allowed to pick her up, though. Anyway, thought I'd share some pictures for those who are curious.
Friday, February 13, 2009
On Our Cruise
I found this photo on Brent's mom's camera when I was getting photos of Kasey to post on my blog. This was of Brent and me on his family's cruise last June. (I was 20 lbs lighter too!) So I'm workin' on my own 21 day habit! ...Only got up to 3 miles walking a day. I'll keep you posted when I get back to this size! "Oh, the good ol' days!"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Austin's Anima

Oh! Theres more where this came from! But I might get creamed if I post any more photos. Apparently, Austin loves two things, the puppy, and taking pictures, and here the two go hand in hand! hand on the dog and the other on the camera. There are some more pictures he's taken of Kai and Keala, but you'll have to check out my blog to see those!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Matti's ankle
We just got back from the Dr's office. Matti actually has two breaks, or one break and one fracture, to be more precise. But the Dr. said they are both set just fine and so he's not going to do any surgery. She even got a lovely boot instead of a cast. It can be removed for baths and bedtime and to get at those awful itches. She still can't walk on it for another week or so. But we're both relieved that we don't have a surgery ahead of us. Oh, and you should have seen the multicolored bruising that surrounded her foot-gross!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Family Reunion Vacation
O.K., I've been meaning to do this for months. But, now that you all have your 2009 calendars--please be sure to mark the dates of our family vacation. It's Tuesday, July 28 -- Tuesday, August 4. I know this is going to be a great time because there is a VERY SPECIAL birthday during this week!! (J/K, it's mine!) In a couple months I'll ask you all to think of a fun day activity that we can do in that area and we'll use all the ideas to set up a tentative plan for the week. I think we'll do like last time and have everyone bring up their own food for breakfasts and lunches and then have the sisters all take a dinner. Adam, you know what your standing assignment is! (And Dad and Kathy and Lynne are welcome to jump in with any of us for breakfasts and lunches--whatever looks best!)
And because Dad has been hounding me (I only say that because I know he'll be reading this) here is a tentative sleeping arrangement suggestion:
The big house has three floors. The 1st floor has two bedrooms and a living room. I've earmarked one of these bedrooms for Me, Doug and Jack and the other for Lynne, Matti and Merri. There is an extra twin bed in a porch that is adjacent to one of these bedrooms that maybe Adam will use. The second floor of this house has a kitchen, bathroom, dining room and bedroom--which I thought could be Dad and Kathy's. The third floor of the house has two bedrooms and I thought one of these could be Jacque's and one Breannes. Now, this house is supposed to be able to sleep 20, so I think there are a couple of pull-out couches and I thought Dallin and Cameron could join us in the big house. Because we have rented two other houses, but they both sleep 4. So, I thought Lauren's family could use one and Nikki's family could use the other. These arrangements might not work out perfectly, we'll have to see how it really shapes up when we get there. And if anyone wants to swap with anyone else to be in or out of the big house, it's all the same to me. But, just so Dad can sleep at night--I thought I needed to get this on e-paper. I'm excited!! It's going to be a good time.
And because Dad has been hounding me (I only say that because I know he'll be reading this) here is a tentative sleeping arrangement suggestion:
The big house has three floors. The 1st floor has two bedrooms and a living room. I've earmarked one of these bedrooms for Me, Doug and Jack and the other for Lynne, Matti and Merri. There is an extra twin bed in a porch that is adjacent to one of these bedrooms that maybe Adam will use. The second floor of this house has a kitchen, bathroom, dining room and bedroom--which I thought could be Dad and Kathy's. The third floor of the house has two bedrooms and I thought one of these could be Jacque's and one Breannes. Now, this house is supposed to be able to sleep 20, so I think there are a couple of pull-out couches and I thought Dallin and Cameron could join us in the big house. Because we have rented two other houses, but they both sleep 4. So, I thought Lauren's family could use one and Nikki's family could use the other. These arrangements might not work out perfectly, we'll have to see how it really shapes up when we get there. And if anyone wants to swap with anyone else to be in or out of the big house, it's all the same to me. But, just so Dad can sleep at night--I thought I needed to get this on e-paper. I'm excited!! It's going to be a good time.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Female Gilroy Driver
All right, fess up. Which one of you female Gilroy drivers did this?
Gilroy woman ends up vertical on highway.
Gilroy woman ends up vertical on highway.
It's broken, cont.
Sorry there haven't been any updates about Matti. They decided in the ER on Saturday that because the blood flow wasn't interrupted and there didn't seem to be any nerves in jeopardy, that they would just put Matti's ankle in a splint and let us try to find an orthopedic surgeon to work with this week (as opposed to calling one in to the ER on Saturday and having them perform emergency surgery, we wouldn't want to bother anyone). So, the splint she has on is just temporary, not like a cast. And they gave us specific instructions NOT to let her put any weight on her foot, not even to bump the toes or anything. Saturday night was really painful for her, but by mid-day Sunday she wasn't complaining about it as much--that was when her stomach starting hurting. I think either the Lortab or the high doses of ibuprofen was too much and her tummy hurt for about 1/2 a day. But, today she's doing really good, except for one time when she stumbled in her crutches and her bad foot touched the ground and her ankle throbbed for about an hour. But, other than that she's just hanging out on the couch reading her Harry Potter book. I waited ALL MORNING for the Dr. office to call me back, but she goes in to see an orthopedic trauma surgeon on Wednesday, and then his surgery days are Thursday and Friday, so that's when she'll probably have the pin put in her ankle. I sure hope it heals well.
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