Kimball said he'd like a dog that would stay really small, and even though it's a lot of work, he's more open to having a little companion in our house. I knew it would be a little harder keeping her safe from the kids, but I wasn't going to argue! This is our new puppy (we're thinking of calling her Maggie, but we're still working on her name). She's itty bitty and definitely knows how to snuggle. She prefers sleeping in the crook of your neck, but an elbow or hip will suffice. Anything that keeps her warm and protected. She's playful, but not too destructive and handles the kids okay. They aren't allowed to pick her up, though. Anyway, thought I'd share some pictures for those who are curious.
did you know that our dog is named "Maggie"?! I think you forgot. But thats ok...three cheers to dog number #2! I told you this month would bring a bunch of new Gilroy-Girl adventures!
well, we're still working on the name... i like Coacoa and Gidget and Mimi and Polly and Princess. Any favorites?
Cute pup!
My vote is for Gidget
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