Just in case you're curious about what I might look like with straight hair! It's now curly again, but I really like the cut, and I got it colored a shade darker, too! It was part of a fun date night with Kimball last weekend. We got haircuts and went to the Roof for dinner!
Jane Fonda, eat your heart out.
Wow, that sounds like fun. And...I'm not sure if Jane Fonda has been in the news lately and I'm missing something--or if Adam's social references need to be a bit updated!
ahh Jane Fonda ... it's sort of an inside joke... Adam, yoooou stinka!
I don't think you look that different with straight hair. Is that crazy?
I didn't think it looked that different this time, but the time you did it it looked way different. Maybe the layers makes me look the same some how. I don't know.
I don't know about the haircut but I just love the fleece jacket you are sporting! Quite the pose! You are such a model! (Where can I get a jacket like that?!)
ross dress for less baby!
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