Thursday, June 18, 2009

more reunion stuff

Just so you guys know, I don't think Doug will be able to be at the reunion with us for the whole time. He'll just be getting back to work about 2 weeks before the reunion, and after having had more than 2 months off, we don't feel right about having him ask for a week of vacation time. I think he'll just ask for Saturday off and try to come down Friday night after work. (His schedule is four ten hour days: W, Th, F, & S.) Nikki said Brent isn't going to be there the whole time, either. As of right now, he's planning on driving Doug down. Is there anyone else who is planning on coming only part of the time? We might be able to coordinate rides better if we knew...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Right now I'm planning on coming the whole time but it may change in the next few weeks. My boss is leaving and I'm interviewing for her job. If I get it, I'll be getting up to speed on the new position. *crosses fingers*