Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thoughts on Breakfast and Lunch
Just so A,L, D, & K don't get inundated with pancakes, eggs, and bacon every morning, I thought I would mention I am bringing tons of apple/cinamon oatmeal and cereal in case you want to skip the grease for one day. Also, I plan on cooking crockpot chili and baked potatoes for the day I have lunch for those four. How about we make a rule that whoever is cooking for those previously mentioned for breakfast and lunch get 'primary' reign over the kitchen area. Just so we don't step on toes. I do plan on making spagetti and green or red jello for the night I do dinner. Any other suggestions, please comment. I.E... what are 'gluten-free' people doing on days we eat picnics? I am lost here!
FYI Safe and Sound in St. George
Kathy and I arrived in St. George about 20 minutes ago. All checked in at the Hampton Inn. Very nice room - at least as nice as the Marriott in Fullerton and half the price. We're gonna go get dinner now. We plan to see "Annie" tomorrow night at Tuacahn. See you Tuesday.
Zions and Bryce
I talked to someone in my ward today who just went to Zions and Bryce last week. She mentioned a few things I thought would be good to pass on. At Zions they took a very short hike (.4 miles round trip) called Weeping Rock. Looking on their website I noticed two other trails Emerald Pool- Lower and Canyon Overlook, both 1 mile roundtrip that looked interesting. I realize we don't have a whole lot of time in Zions, so maybe looking at the options ahead of time would help. I heard also that although they have shuttles to take you into the park now, you can still drive and find a parking spot fairly easily if you want to have a picnic there.
*Important note: the cafe at Zions had really bad food. Might do better eating at the restaurant by the Lodge or in Sprindale where there are a few more choices???
Bryce: The Mossy Cave trail is supposed to be good here. About 1 mile roundtrip, as is the Bristlecone Loop trail. I think the rest are a bit more challenging.
*They also outline some good scenic drives on those websites, for when we don't feel like hiking.
I think I might be leaning toward skipping the Animal Sanctuary with my family, unless Will or Ella could just tag along. Something about that 7:45 wake up time is making me think about staying in my nice warm bed....
*Important note: the cafe at Zions had really bad food. Might do better eating at the restaurant by the Lodge or in Sprindale where there are a few more choices???
Bryce: The Mossy Cave trail is supposed to be good here. About 1 mile roundtrip, as is the Bristlecone Loop trail. I think the rest are a bit more challenging.
*They also outline some good scenic drives on those websites, for when we don't feel like hiking.
I think I might be leaning toward skipping the Animal Sanctuary with my family, unless Will or Ella could just tag along. Something about that 7:45 wake up time is making me think about staying in my nice warm bed....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Liquid Luck
In the last Harry Potter movie, a vile of "Liquid Luck" is awarded to Harry for successfully creating a potion in Potions Class. When he drinks the vile, he magically works out a problem hes been having during the whole movie. It works out so smoothly you literally have to say to yourself, "Wow, that really was 'good luck'"! So... today I went to lunch with my dear husband and suddenly my day starts to 'magically' fall into place. We ate at our favorite BBQ restaurant and the food was just spectacular! Then I decided to walk over to the Verizon store after we finished eating. Brent drove so he could relax and wait for me outside. As I walked down the courtyard of the strip mall I suddenly passed a "Guitar Store" which was amazing because I got my guitar back from Justin a few weeks ago (with only 3 strings on it) and had no idea where the nearest music store was in West Jordan. And suddenly there it was! Not only did I get the strings but found a cute little children's songbook. It even has a few of the campsongs that I have been putting together for the family vacation. After I realized I didn't need anything from the Verizon store, Brent and I drove home. Since the kids are with their dad every Saturday, I was secrectly hoping he would keep them till later this evening. Just then I got a text from him saying he would keep them till later this evening! Hello! So at home, we picked up the mail and I opened a letter from my Insurance provider refunding me for over paying on my bills... Five Hundred Dollars! Well! I am feeling good today my friends! "Wow! That really was 'Good Luck'"!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Pioneer Day
Is anyone doing anything for the 24th--Friday--three days from now?? Doug is working a double shift (despite my best efforts that man is a maniac) and Jack knows that it's the second official day of the summer when you can light off fireworks, but I don't feel like doing a fireworks night by myself. So, anyone...anyone? What are your plans? Also, an old seminary friend of mine keeps pushing me to come to the Anaheimer's reunion at Orem park and wants me to let you all know about it.... (I don't quite feel like doing that either.) Please, help me...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
R. Kelly...
I had this song stuck in my head the other day and was trying to sing it over the phone to Erika but she obviously had no idea what I was talking about. No, I was not 'serenading' her! Hello! I just had to prove it was a real song! See, it exists!
Auntie Lynne and Friend, Don
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Feedback Please :)
So... I mentioned that I am organizing some songs for 'family time' singing, etc. And I asked if the kids where interested in putting together some skits... but I haven't heard back from any of you! Hello! Yes, we've all spoken briefly, but I only ask to see if anyone needs help with 'IDEAS'! So, here are some of my ideas... I thought Lauren could bring her puppet set up and have her kids do a puppet show. And maybe Erika's kids could bring up some of their dressups and re-enact one of the kids favorite stories or movie scenes. Jacque and my kids were gonna do some songs they learned in school, etc. I imagine if the families have at least one skit or 'act' planned, that the kids might love at least one night of entertaining each other. If its only one night, then fine. But if they love it so much, they might like thinking of ideas to do for another night. I wasn't planning on having skits done more than 2 nights unless the kids really loved performing for each other. I also wasn't expecting all of us to join together every night too. I know sometimes we need to unwind separately. So that just left any of the other nights for singing songs. I am trying to put together a list of songs, both silly and 'campfire-ish'. If anyone has a family favorite or ideas they'de like me to include, please contact me. (I do not plan on singing "Kumbayah"!) I will be bugging all of you half way through the week if you don't call me first! Thanks! Love you!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Vacation all I ever wanted (name that song)
Countdown--Reunion 2009!
(This is really long, but please read it through. Also, please review the blog posts from June that go over our activities in more depth. Thanks for your support!)
I've been talking to a lot of people lately about the reunion and I think everyone is starting to think about packing and getting ready (for you, Adam, it is in 12 days). So, there are a couple of things I would like to go over:
1. Sleeping arrangements.
We have 2 inns that sleep 4 each and are at this time designated for Nikki's family and Lauren's family (minus Dallin and Cameron).
In the big cabin there are three floors. On the bottom floor there are three bedrooms. One has a queen bed with space of the floor for 2 others--this will be the Barney bedroom. One has a queen bed--Adam's room. And one has a twin bed--Lynne's room. There is a pull-out sofa on this floor in the main Living Room that can be used by Dallin and Cameron. There is a bathroom on this floor that can be shared by the people who sleep on this floor. On the second floor there is the kitchen and one bedroom with a queen bed which will be for Dad and Kathy. There are two bathrooms on this floor, one will be used (and I mean for showering and stuff) by Dad and Kathy and the other by residents of the third floor. The third floor has two bedrooms. One has two queen beds, this is for Jacque's family and one has one queen bed, for Brebre and Michael. As I see it, everyone will have a bed except for one of Jacque's kids and my kids on the floor of my room. The Inn provides bedding for all the beds, but anyone who sleeps on the floor will need to bring their own sheets, blankets, pillows. (Hopefully this will help me and Jacque decide what extras to bring.) I believe there are mini kitchens in the smaller units (Nikki's and Lauren's) and I'm hoping they will have decent sized refrigerators to help hold all the food stuff.
2. Food
I suggested that the girls bring extra breakfast and lunch stuff for Lynne and Dad and Kathy and Adam, but I think it may be easier for us to plan and buy and pack our meals if we knew what to expect on what days. So, could I assign us each a day to cover this? (Please don't get annoyed at me.) Here's one plan--if you need to change something let me know soon:
Tuesday (our drive up day)--everyone cover their own lunch and dinner
Wednesday (a local exploring day)--Jacque provide breakfast and lunch (Just for L,D,K,&A)
Lauren provide dinner for all
Thursday (our Zion's day)--Lauren provide breakfast and lunch (packed to go)
Dinner out at Zion's
Friday (a local fun day)--Nikki provide breakfast and lunch
Breanne provide dinner
Saturday(an afternoon trip to Cedar City)--Breanne provide breakfast and lunch
Jacque provide dinner (should everyone linger in Cedar City this day and wind up having dinner out--we could use Jacque's dinner for lunch on Sunday)
Sunday (a local day)--Doug wants me to have one hot breakfast day with eggs, bacon and bagel breakfast sandwiches. So I will do breakfast this day. We could possibly just snack for lunch.
Nikki provide dinner
Monday (the Bryce Canyon day)--Erika provide breakfast and lunch (packed to go)
--Erika provide dinner
Tuesday (pack up and leave day)--breakfast will be whatever leftovers are to be found
(Have I boggled your minds yet?)
3. Assignments
Dad--please bring up firewood and decide which restaurant in Zion's we should all meet at for dinner on Thursday
Adam--drinks, such as, bottled water, juices and sodas (I think we should all pack our own milk for breakfast)
Nikki--is bringing up songs and will be the coordinator for evening campfire fun. P.S. she has asked all the families to prepare little skits to perform, don't forget!
Lauren--is bringing up craft activities for the kids to do on some of our local days.
I think we are going to have a great time! Don't forget to click on the link in June's post and get the address and directions!! (It's so not fun to get in the car and realize you don't know where you are going.)
I've been talking to a lot of people lately about the reunion and I think everyone is starting to think about packing and getting ready (for you, Adam, it is in 12 days). So, there are a couple of things I would like to go over:
1. Sleeping arrangements.
We have 2 inns that sleep 4 each and are at this time designated for Nikki's family and Lauren's family (minus Dallin and Cameron).
In the big cabin there are three floors. On the bottom floor there are three bedrooms. One has a queen bed with space of the floor for 2 others--this will be the Barney bedroom. One has a queen bed--Adam's room. And one has a twin bed--Lynne's room. There is a pull-out sofa on this floor in the main Living Room that can be used by Dallin and Cameron. There is a bathroom on this floor that can be shared by the people who sleep on this floor. On the second floor there is the kitchen and one bedroom with a queen bed which will be for Dad and Kathy. There are two bathrooms on this floor, one will be used (and I mean for showering and stuff) by Dad and Kathy and the other by residents of the third floor. The third floor has two bedrooms. One has two queen beds, this is for Jacque's family and one has one queen bed, for Brebre and Michael. As I see it, everyone will have a bed except for one of Jacque's kids and my kids on the floor of my room. The Inn provides bedding for all the beds, but anyone who sleeps on the floor will need to bring their own sheets, blankets, pillows. (Hopefully this will help me and Jacque decide what extras to bring.) I believe there are mini kitchens in the smaller units (Nikki's and Lauren's) and I'm hoping they will have decent sized refrigerators to help hold all the food stuff.
2. Food
I suggested that the girls bring extra breakfast and lunch stuff for Lynne and Dad and Kathy and Adam, but I think it may be easier for us to plan and buy and pack our meals if we knew what to expect on what days. So, could I assign us each a day to cover this? (Please don't get annoyed at me.) Here's one plan--if you need to change something let me know soon:
Tuesday (our drive up day)--everyone cover their own lunch and dinner
Wednesday (a local exploring day)--Jacque provide breakfast and lunch (Just for L,D,K,&A)
Lauren provide dinner for all
Thursday (our Zion's day)--Lauren provide breakfast and lunch (packed to go)
Dinner out at Zion's
Friday (a local fun day)--Nikki provide breakfast and lunch
Breanne provide dinner
Saturday(an afternoon trip to Cedar City)--Breanne provide breakfast and lunch
Jacque provide dinner (should everyone linger in Cedar City this day and wind up having dinner out--we could use Jacque's dinner for lunch on Sunday)
Sunday (a local day)--Doug wants me to have one hot breakfast day with eggs, bacon and bagel breakfast sandwiches. So I will do breakfast this day. We could possibly just snack for lunch.
Nikki provide dinner
Monday (the Bryce Canyon day)--Erika provide breakfast and lunch (packed to go)
--Erika provide dinner
Tuesday (pack up and leave day)--breakfast will be whatever leftovers are to be found
(Have I boggled your minds yet?)
3. Assignments
Dad--please bring up firewood and decide which restaurant in Zion's we should all meet at for dinner on Thursday
Adam--drinks, such as, bottled water, juices and sodas (I think we should all pack our own milk for breakfast)
Nikki--is bringing up songs and will be the coordinator for evening campfire fun. P.S. she has asked all the families to prepare little skits to perform, don't forget!
Lauren--is bringing up craft activities for the kids to do on some of our local days.
I think we are going to have a great time! Don't forget to click on the link in June's post and get the address and directions!! (It's so not fun to get in the car and realize you don't know where you are going.)
Monday, July 13, 2009

At long last the fans and dehumidifiers were removed this morning around 8. The poor drywallers were right there ready to start - in a house that was 94 degrees inside. Anyway, they did a days work and had something to show for it. I turned on the AC at 8am; we had a warm day. It's about 7:20pm and the thermostat reads 82 degrees - the AC hasn't turned off all day. I'm just going to leave it on tonight 'cause the house is just plain hot to the bone.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
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