What are you saying? We look weird? Of course we do! I got out the Halloween decorations and Brent made us all take this picture. Kasey yelled at Austin for not getting in (and we had plently more wigs!) But lets get to the point - are we still getting together Halloween afternoon? Because I am ready to partay! (kidding) But I also want to know how we are exchanging gifts for Christmas. Do we want to draw names sometime soon? And we teased Lauren about sharing her Rspberry-Peach Jam... I think a 'Canning-Christmas' is a great idea! (Because I just canned a bunch of tomatoes!) But I also have a whole tree of apples outside staring at me to be canned and Brent debated making applesauce or dehydrating the apples. Or do you want to do your own thing? I know Lauren was already working on something. But if someone would like some of our 'preserves' I would be happy to share. Any ideas?
I think Erika mentioned getting together on Halloween around 11. That would work but it would be even better if we could meet earlier, like 10. Cameron has a Daddy/Daughter activity from 1-2:30and then our ward has trunk or treating at 5:30 and I need to squeeze in Eden's birthday party sometime.
As for Christmas I did make something for the family but it isn't preserves, sorry, maybe next year. And I guess I assumed we're all still getting together at mom's for Xmas Eve. That still works best for us.
I see strange things starting to hang from the trees outside of my house - I suspect that I may have some fruiting trees. But they could be kumquats for all I know, and I know even less about canning. In any case, it's obvious that I won't be canning anything for Christmas.
I was planning on Christmas eve at mom's house, too. Does anyone have Thanksgiving plans? Or I should restate this... can we bum off of anyone for Thanksgiving?
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