Our poor puppy walked into the wrong direction, got a little too close to the 'wrong' chew stick ,(as both dogs had 'their own') and got 'chewed' out. Suffice it to say, all are safe and well, the puppy unfortunately has two broken bones, but no broken spirit yet! (Poor pokey puppy!) In the meantime, grumpy ol' gran'pa dog is on anti-anxiety meds and starts Obedience Training tomorrow for the next 6 weeks. And once the puppy is fully rehabilitated (which should only be 2 more weeks) she will start training classes of her own. So we are taking baby steps to keep the atmosphere 'amicable' here in dog land. And no, we have no intentions of giving either dog away. Although the fantasy has crossed my mind many a time. Especially with all the sleepless nights, and the new hit on our pocketbooks, but alas, we love both dogs and so does everybody else, so we are sticking it out. (For the time being!) Sorry to hear the other dogs had to leave, but its true that they take a lot of time, responsibility, training, and love and all that put together is a lot of extra work. I don't know where I think I have any extra time, but I am positive it will all work out. Good luck to all of us on our new adventures, for next week is a new month...and who knows what kind of mayhem us Gilroy Girls can get ourselves into in the next few weeks!
oh my gosh! two broken bones!! poor goggie!
that's awful! cute cast though
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