We had our little baby boy last night at 6:50. He weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces, so I'm kind of glad they induced me early or he would've been 8 pounds for sure!! We spent most of last night nursing and burping for some reason. But today he is getting the hang of more and more things. It was so fun to watch him for his first few minutes get used to lights and sounds and touch and look around and decide if he wanted to cry or not. So cute!

He's got dark hair like his daddy and brother Will! ...And the cutest little monkey face. I love holding him and he likes to lay on his tummy on me. Very snuggly.

The one thing I've always wanted when I had a baby was that moment right after they're born when it hits you how much you love them and how much joy they bring just by entering the world. I actually got that this time and when I held him in my arms I realized how much I wanted him in our family. It's amazing how quickly you can fall in love sometimes.
He sure is a handsome little boy. And he's a good, healthy weight. Good job, Jacque and Kimbal!
Yeah! We are so excited for you!
Congratulations! He's beautiful. He looks a lot like Will to me. So fun!
Yeah!! I'm excited for you. Let us know when will be a good time to come up and see him!
A photo a Day - that's all we ask.
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