My Relief Society activity board and volunteers help me sew almost 80 of these placemats for our recent R.S. Birthday Anniversary Dinner. I had so much fun picking out these fabrics but I think I tortured just about every friend of mine in the ward, trying to put this all together.

Each place setting had a card with a different picture of a temple on the outside, along with the program inside. The utensils were wrapped in napkins held together with floral decorations. And then at the top of each place setting was a Gladioli bulb wrapped in a gift bag sitting on green moss and chocolate Easter eggs.

Some of the tables had a few pictures of grandparents in black and white photographs. (I was going for the Vintage look.) But it was a really fun way to spice up an activity focused on Genealogy. My friends may never speak to me again, but I had a blast and it seemed the women in the ward felt special with all the work and detail on their behalf, and thats all the matters.

The cake trays held these cupcakes as our centerpieces. I forgot to take pictures of the ones Vinessa and I made, as well as one other friend of mine, Nikki Thacker. All the different cupcakes were floral decorated (and smelled delicious). Our dinner was a potato bar and the evening was a lot of fun. Glad its over... and on to the next one. Wah ha ha!
Wow, that looks like a lot of work. Good Job!
Wow that is all beautiful!
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