Saturday, March 13, 2010

Senior Moment revisited

Today I walked out of Costco up to a van that looked just like mine and pushed my unlock button about 10 times. I even tried bashing it on my wrist. Did I mention it was raining? And I was in flip-flops? I finally looked inside the front driver's window and saw that the items laying around inside were not recognizable. I found my car one row over and even closer to the store entrance. So much for a short distance through the rain. So, does this mean Seniors are off the hook?


Breanne said...

Lol, wow! That's just like the old lady story. I went to the store in the slushy rain in flip flops, too, today. I just can't accept that spring isn't quite here!

Ross and Kathy said...

It's 70 degrees here and I'm still wearing boots. What is wrong with you people. Maybe the flip flops caused Jacque to have brain freeze.

Nikki Jenson said...

Dad, you're hilarious! I like the flip flops giving brain freeze idea! I only wear sandals in the house... never in the rain. And I never make the 'wrong car' mistake because I just look for the car with all the dings in the sides - thanks everyone for that... I think all of you have a part in one or more of those!

Jacque said...

Hey, in my defense it wasn't raining when I left the house! And, if you had to reach over a watermelon to put your socks on, flip flops would be your first choice, too!

Breanne said...

I don't even have a "watermelon" anymore, and I was wearing flip flops that day, too. And I knew it was snowing! They're just dang comfortable!