Look whats in MY neighborhood! I drove past this a week ago and didn't even know they were building one! I was having lunch with Ann then and she said it was going to open this week.

This Tuesday I was doing Erika's hair when Ann texted me and said she was eating at In-N-Out! And she didn't even invite me! Hello! So today I decided to take Keala after preschool. (Real quality 'together time' - yeah right!)

We didn't realize the line to order inside was going out the door! We had to stand in 30 degree cold wind! Keala yelled "this line is stupid!" She was so mad at me! Everyone laughed. That was until a 45 year old lady got in line behind us and yelled "C'mon everybody, cozy up! Its cold out here!" And then people were REALLY laughing. (And I thought Keala was obnoxious!) (Funny how loud mouths make us all instant friends cuz we all starting talking to each other then!)

Waiting in line to order didn't take long, but waiting for our food REALLY did take long! Keala was much more patient once we were inside from the cold. I thought I would be nice and invite Ann, so I ordered for her and we waited for her to come. She got here before our food did!

Fun and Yum! When I told Brent a week ago how excited I was to eat here, he said, "Too bad you are a Celiac whose Lactose Intolerant, and a Practicing Vegetarian! At least you'll be able to eat the lettuce!" Forget that! I ate the whole stinkin' thing, with grilled onions AND cheese! Mmmmm! Delicious! ("Wish you were Here!")

All the workers came up and cooed at the hat on Keala's doll. One of the workers recognized Ann from last week and said "Welcome Back!" We all started laughing. She was so embarrassed. (That woman makes friends with perfect strangers all the time. She always has!) That place was so packed full of people. As we left, the tables were finally empty and it dawned on me that I gone during the lunch hour! Hello! But it hadn't occurred to me because I just picked Keala up from preschool and went straight over. Oh well. (I just got off the phone from Brent before I finished this and he just yelled at me: "Now we'll see whose gonna die from not eating like 'The China Study" says you should!") - He just ate a vegetarian sub from Sub Way! Bwah Ha Ha Ha!
You Fake! You Fraud! I'm so not going to believe anything you ever say again! I'm So disappointed. I may even disown you. But was it yummy?
Good till the last drop! (And I just had Wingers wings for dinner!) ahhh! The sweet taste of rebelion!
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